In the game, Jump or Die, the space is organized to be open and tall to allow for jumping. Some areas are narrower and limit the player’s jumping ability. This creates some challenge for the player and requires more precise timing for the jumps. Some areas are safer for the player to jump towards whereas other areas are full of dangerous obstacles for the player. These obstacles also create a challenge for the player. The entrances tend to start from the bottom and the exits are towards the top of the screen. While jumping around, the player may face some parts of the map that limit the player’s jump height, through using spikes. The player also may have to climb up some narrower paths and gain some height. Some parts of the levels are also wider and require the player to make long jumps. The player has to be careful with their jumps because they may miss a platform or land on a spike and have to start over on their progress. Some real world analogues could be how people may try to avoid snakes and animals for their safety. This seems to be a simple and intuitive analogue that translates well into the game. The game splits up the stages and the player has to walk through doors to continue through levels. The player is able to hit walls, climb ladders, and jump through some platforms. However, if the player makes contact with a snake, dog, or spike, they will have to restart the level.
From the title page players will be able to know this is a 2D side view game. After entering the game, the player is initially in a relatively narrow tunnel from left to right. In this tunnel players have to pass through a series of signs from the left to the right. Therefore, this design can ensure that players see the information. Then, the player will enter through the door into a more open space, which also heralds the official start of the game. The entire interface of the game is a large continuous space. The player starts out in the bottom left corner of the space. The player does not know the conditions for success or the location of the exit, but the map is clearly laid out to allow the player to walk to the right. Later on, there are many vertical steps or floors. Players will then want to jump upwards. Soon the player will not be able to see the ground. This design of not being able to see the bottom limit creates a feeling that the player is in a very high position, so that the player must be very careful at every step to prevent falling from a high place. And the result of falling is generally direct death. Players need to start from the beginning, which also enhance the feeling of danger. When the player collides with the spikes they will die. This setting is in line with common sense and also very common in video games. Even if there is no description, players know to avoid collisions when they see these shapes.
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Prompt 1:
In the game, Jump or Die, the space is organized to be open and tall to allow for jumping. Some areas are narrower and limit the player’s jumping ability. This creates some challenge for the player and requires more precise timing for the jumps. Some areas are safer for the player to jump towards whereas other areas are full of dangerous obstacles for the player. These obstacles also create a challenge for the player. The entrances tend to start from the bottom and the exits are towards the top of the screen. While jumping around, the player may face some parts of the map that limit the player’s jump height, through using spikes. The player also may have to climb up some narrower paths and gain some height. Some parts of the levels are also wider and require the player to make long jumps. The player has to be careful with their jumps because they may miss a platform or land on a spike and have to start over on their progress. Some real world analogues could be how people may try to avoid snakes and animals for their safety. This seems to be a simple and intuitive analogue that translates well into the game. The game splits up the stages and the player has to walk through doors to continue through levels. The player is able to hit walls, climb ladders, and jump through some platforms. However, if the player makes contact with a snake, dog, or spike, they will have to restart the level.
From the title page players will be able to know this is a 2D side view game. After entering the game, the player is initially in a relatively narrow tunnel from left to right. In this tunnel players have to pass through a series of signs from the left to the right. Therefore, this design can ensure that players see the information. Then, the player will enter through the door into a more open space, which also heralds the official start of the game. The entire interface of the game is a large continuous space. The player starts out in the bottom left corner of the space. The player does not know the conditions for success or the location of the exit, but the map is clearly laid out to allow the player to walk to the right. Later on, there are many vertical steps or floors. Players will then want to jump upwards. Soon the player will not be able to see the ground. This design of not being able to see the bottom limit creates a feeling that the player is in a very high position, so that the player must be very careful at every step to prevent falling from a high place. And the result of falling is generally direct death. Players need to start from the beginning, which also enhance the feeling of danger. When the player collides with the spikes they will die. This setting is in line with common sense and also very common in video games. Even if there is no description, players know to avoid collisions when they see these shapes.