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While playing this program, the brush that stood out the most prominently to me was the circle brush because it was the brush that came along with an auditory and tactile experience. Somehow, the little disks that were expelled as I moved the brush across the screen reminded me of thin and colorful plastic disks from back when I was in elementary school. Spreading them across the desk would give a slight click click noise along with a light uneven rolling sensation underneath my fingertips. Every time the gray disks would roll out under the cursor, I would recall this old memory. Another brush that gave me a tactile sensory experience was the concentric circle brush. For some reason, it would make me think of concentric circles drawn in the sands of zen gardens. When I would drag the cursor across the screen, I felt the experience of dragging an object through sand and a rippling granular sensation of moving sand particles. To recreate these sensations in real life, I would just return back to the objects that I thought of when using these brushes, like the plastic chips and the sand art. The final tool I’d like to mention is the triangle tool. Unlike the other tools mentioned, it’s so random in its size, attributes, and colors. The speed in which the triangles come out differ as well. This is the brush where I would say has a life of its own because it’s so unpredictable compared to the other brushes within the program. 

Considering the game shapes and colors as if it involved physical objects is difficult, to say the least as what can be done in the game could never really be accomplished with physical objects in the real world. However, as the title describe we are dealing with shapes and colors. More specifically we have various different circles and various different triangles. There is also the ability to draw lines free-hand. Essentially what we are dealing with leans more on the chunky block-like painting than any granular or smooth painting. This is more closely related to rapidly printing a  shape with occasionally changing the size or dimensions of the shape. There are also options to alter the color at random but overall the stuff manipulated is very blocky. The exception is the free-hand line drawing tool that is very smooth. The tools with random elements very much do have a life of their own where the randomness creates a sense of personality that is not controlled by the one manipulating them but happens regardless. There is also a discernable pattern with repeated shapes and colors in certain areas. A real-world recreation would be very difficult to produce but I might be able to. One way would be to give the person a shape dipped in paint that they can press down shapes. The dragging function in this game would likely be lost, but the random color and shape functions would be produced by periodically switching out the player's tools. Overall I don't think this could be recreated with physical objects without losing out on core aspects.